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Exploratory Agriscience Workbook
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This is the workbook used by the Mr. Colquitt's 8th grade Exploratory Agriscience classes.

*Marbury FFA Chapter*
P.O. Box 70 Marbury AL 36051
Ph. 205-755-2118

Dear Parents,

First, I am delighted to have your child in our Agriscience Program here at Marbury this year. We are looking forward to a great year and hope to have your child play an active role in his or her development by becoming active in our organization.

To make the opportunities available to your child we implore you to have your child become an active member in our organization and assist us in providing needed materials for our classes. The cost for membership, the class
workbook and FFA member t-shirts is $25.00 for the year.
The class workbooks will be used virtually every day as a part of the instruction process. The t-shirts will be used for FFA meetings and field trips during the year. Finally, the membership dues for our local, state and national organizations make it possible for students to participate in the array of individual and team activities afforded active members. As a member, the students will receive the New Horizons Magazine which we also use as an instructional source in class. When students are older, they are also eligible for scholarships provided for outstanding members of the FFA. Recently, several members of our local chapter have been able to take advantage of the funds available exclusively for students.

We hope you will support our program and allow your child to take advantage of the opportunities we have listed. We ask that you submit the funds for the first semester by September 1st and by February 1st. I have
included the costs for the items mentioned to let you know how the money will
be spent. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me for
additional information. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

John Colquitt
Marbury FFA Advisor

Approximate Items Costs:
Workbook= $8.00 feild trip- $ $10.00 State & National FFA Dues= $10.00

**Exploratory Agriscience Overview**

1. Course Value- This course is designed to introduce you to the Agriscience Program here at Marbury. This course is very different from any you have had in the past. Hopefully, at least one of the areas you cover will spark an interest for you. Please be patient with the course and reserve judgment before you decide whether or not it is something you will enjoy.

2. Course Activities- We will be doing several presentations in front of the class. The presentations are for your benefit as you develop as a person. The presentations in turn strengthen our program for the future.______________________________

3. Grading- Make sure that you do your major projects! It is very important for you to complete the projects because they are a large part of your grade. (1) S.A.E. Projects (2) Fair Exhibit (3) Activities above the chapter level.

4. Workbooks- Keep up with and have them with you in class every day. A high percentage of your grade will come from your activities in your workbook.______________________

5. Proficiency Applications- Take advantage of entering a proficiency application on your S.A.E Project. Advantages.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________





Exploring Agriscience

Course Content
. General Information: Includes expectations & Requirements
2. FFA Introduction.
3. FFA History.
4. FFA Opportunities.
5. Agriculture in our Economy.
6. Animal Science.
7. Companion Animals
8. Leadership & Public Presentations.
9. Agri-Technology

I. Project Assignments:
1. S.A.E
Each students is required to have an agriculturally related
project at home. The student is required to turn in those
activities by the end of the first nine weeks. The S.A.E. is a
major grade for this course.
Your Project:______________________________________
Fair Exhibit: (first semester only) Each student is required to turn in an
approved exhibit for the Alabama National Fair.
Your Project:_________________________________
For Information---
Alabama National Fair Phone: (334) 272-6831
P.O. Box 3304 Fax: (334) 272-6835
Montgomery, AL 36109-0304 Email

3. Class Activities: All students are expected to participate in FFA Meetings
and activities.
Class Cost: The cost for the class is $25.00 for the year.
The payment is for the class workbook, t-shirt and for FFA Membership.
*Additional Information-______________________________







****Parent Survey****

Thank you for taking the time for the following survey. This information is very beneficial to us in meeting the needs of our students at Marbury.
John Colquitt
Marbury FFA Advisor
1. What do you do for a living and briefly explain your duties?
2. What are some of your interests outside your profession?
3. Would you be interested in speaking to one of my classes?
_____________ subject:______________________________
4. Would you be interested in serving as a chaperone on one of our trips?___________.
5. Please check areas of interest that you feel your child would be interested in doing or that you would like to see him or her participate.
Leadership____ Livestock___ Small Engines___      
Speaking ___ Hunting___ Chapter Promotions___ Gardening____ Fund Raisers____ Music___ Travel____ Travel_____ Scholarship____ First Aid___           Community Service____
Please explain your selections; ___________________________
6. Were you involved in FFA while attending school?______
If so, briefly describe your involvement.________________
7. Your Chapter-____________________________________

Parent Signature/date




Things to Remember

1. Remember your purpose.__________________________

2. Respect our shop and classroom.________________________

3. Don’t be derogatory!_________________________________

4. Don’t talk while I am talking or another student has the floor!

5. Don’t make have to look for you._________________

6. Don’t bother things or get in my space._____________

7. Remember, if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime!

___________________________________ ___________________________________

8. *** Listen Well !!___________________________________


1. Bring the proper materials needed to class every day.

2. Please be seated and prepare for roll call every day.

3. Attend every class possible.

4. Please be on time for our class.

5. Be kind and courteous to everyone in our program.

6. Let me do my job!!! Examples:

(1) Deciding who needs to be punished.

(2) Answering questions.

(3) What needs to be taught…….


____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

I will remember these things and understand these expectations. _____________________________

Students name / Date


You will be graded on the following areas:

These are the approximate percentages that will be used to determine your grade

1. Class workbook= 30%         2. Class Presentations= 30%  3. Tests= 40 %

1. Class Workbooks- I will be checking the workbooks periodically to insure that you are keeping up.                        2. Class presentations- Will consist of learning officer parts, creed paragraphs, and parliamentary presentations. 3. In this class you will be tested often. In general we will have 2- 3 tests a week.

Make-up- I do not give make-up tests. We will be tested on the material a number of times so you cover the material on another test later.






Exam Policy

Exam Part I (NOTE: Everyone must take the Final!)

You can accumulate points for your semester exams by your involvement in activities in the FFA. Some of the activities that count are (1) Fair Projects (2) Class Officers (3) Community Service Projects (4) After School Meetings socials.. ( 5) Fundraisers (6) Chapter Contests finals ex creed

(7) * Banquet (8) Proficiency Applications.

Note: Activities 1-6 count 20 pts each activity 7 counts 50 pts. And if you have a proficiency selected it is an activity “Above the Chapter level”.

Exam Points:

List your activities ( You must have a minimum of 4)

Event Your involvement






Total Points=________

II. Activities “ABOVE” the Chapter level.

All = 95 pts

Includes: (1) Team Events (2) Individual Events

Small Engines Speaking Events

Livestock Proficiency App.

Parliamentary State Degree

Quartet State & District Off

Your Activities-_________________ Pts._______

Turn this in at the end of the semester!If you have not accumulated enough points you must take Part II

FFA Creed

I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil.

I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so--for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.


The creed was written by E. M. Tiffany, and adopted at the 3rd National Convention of the FFA. It was revised at the 38th Convention and the 63rd Convention.

Creed Questions

1. Do you believe in the future of Agriculture and why?

2. What is meant in the first paragraph “a faith born not of words but of deeds?

3. What are achievements won by the present and past generations on agriculturalists?

4. What are some of the better things we now enjoy?

5. What is a good farm?

6. What are some agricultural pursuits referred to in the second paragraph?

7. What are some of the joys and discomforts of agricultural life?

8. How would you define a progressive agriculturalist?

9. Why is less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining important?

10. How can we play square with others?

11. What are some of the best traditions of our national


12. How can you positively influence our national life?

13. What is honest wealth?

14. How can you influence our home and community?

15. Give some of the historical highlights of the creed.

16. Do you think the creed should be revised again to fit

the changing times?

17. Who wrote the creed ? When was it written?

When Adopted?

18. Why do you think organizations have creeds?

19. Why do you think it is important to learn the creed?

20. What does E.M. stand for?

21. What are some achievements won?

22. What are some of the promises of future days for FFA


23. What are some struggles from former years?

Answer Creed Questions

Be sure to include an introduction on each answer.






























16.______________________________ _________________________________















** What is your favorite paragraph and why_________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________ ________________________




Opening Ceremonies
"The (meeting room, l, etc.) will come to order. We are now holding a meeting of the (Marbury, district, etc.) FFA (chapter, district, etc.) Mr./Mdm. Vice President, are all officers at their stations?"
Vice President
: (Rising and facing the president) "I shall call the roll of officers, determine if they are at their stations and report back to you, Mr./Mdm. President."
Vice President
: (Calling roll of officers) "The sentinel."
"Stationed by the door."
Vice President
: "Your duties there?"
"Through this door pass many friends of the FFA. It is my duty to see that the door is open to our friends at all times and that they are welcome. I care for the meeting room and paraphernalia. I strive to keep the room comfortable and assist the president in maintaining order."
Vice President
: "The reporter."
"The reporter is stationed by the flag."
Vice President:
"Why by the flag?"
"As the flag covers the United States of America, so I strive to inform the people in order that every man, woman and child may know that the FFA is a national organization that reaches from the state of Alaska to Puerto Rico and from the state of Maine to Hawaii."
Vice President
: "The treasurer."
"Stationed at the emblem of Washington."
Vice President
: "Your duties there?"
"I keep a record of receipts and disbursements just as Washington kept his farm accounts—carefully and accurately. I encourage thrift among the members and strive to build up our financial standing through savings and
investments. George Washington was better able to serve his country because he was financially independent."
Vice President: "The secretary."
: "Stationed by the ear of corn."
Vice President
: "Your duties there?"
"I keep an accurate record of all meetings and correspond with other secretaries wherever corn is grown and FFA members meet."
Vice President
: "The advisor."
: "Here by the owl."
Vice President
: "Why stationed by the owl?"
: "The owl is a time-honored emblem of knowledge and wisdom. Being older than the rest of you, I am asked to advise you from time to time, as the need arises. I hope that my advice will always be based on true knowledge and ripened with wisdom."Mr./Mdm. Vice President, why do you keep a plow at your station?"
Vice President
: "The plow is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Without labor, neither knowledge nor wisdom can accomplish much. My duties require me to assist at all times in directing the work of our organization. I preside over meetings in the absence of our president, whose place is beneath
the rising sun."
"Why is the president so stationed?"
Vice President
: "The rising sun is the token of a new era in agriculture. If we will follow the leadership of our president, we shall be led out of the darkness of selfishness and into the glorious sunlight of brotherhood and cooperation. Mr./Mdm. President, all officers are at their stations.
(Rises and faces the vice president) "Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Vice President." (All take seats at tap of gavel.) "The secretary will call the roll of members."
Secretary: "
There are _______members and _____guests present, Mr./Mdm. President."
: "Thank you. FFA members, why are we here?" (All members stand at 3 taps of gavel.)
All members in unison: "To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess." (All are seated at 1 tap of gavel.)
President: "May we accomplish our purposes. I now declare this meeting of the (Marbury, district, etc) FFA (chapter, district, etc.) duly opened transaction of business, or attention to any matters which may properly be presented."
Closing Ceremonies
President: "
Mr./Mdm. Secretary, do you have a record of any further business
which should now be transacted?"
: (Rises, replies and is seated.) "I have none, Mr./Mdm. President."
"Does any member know of any new or unfinished business which should
properly come before this meeting?" (If no answer, proceed as follows.)
"We are about to adjourn this meeting of the (chapter, district, etc.) FFA . (chapter, district, etc.)________________
As we mingle with others, let us be diligent in labor, just in our dealings, courteous to everyone, and, above all, honest and fair in the game of life. Fellow members and guests, join me in a salute to our flag." (Taps three times with gavel to call members to stand, face the flag at the reporter’s station, and with their right hands over their hearts, repeat the following pledge.)
All in unison: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"I now declare this meeting adjourned." (Taps once with gavel and the meeting is adjourned)
Grades WK 1____ WK 2______ WK 3____ WK 4_____ WK 5____ WK 6_____
The following parts are EXTRA parts that are used for other offices. They are
called out between the Secretary and the Advisor in order of Parliamentarian,
Historian, Chaplin.

Vice President: The Parliamentarian?
Parliamentarian: Here by a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Vice President: What are your duties?
Parliamentarian: It is my obligation to know and share information about parliamentary law and assist members in proper meeting procedure and etiquette so that we can accomplish the business of the chapter. I assure that every
member will be heard and that the majority will prevail.

Vice President: The Historian?
Historian: Stationed at the chapter scrapbook.
Vice President: What are your duties?
Historian: Tradition and history are a source of pride for our organization. It is my duty to maintain a record of chapter achievements and promote excellence through highlighting activities, events and accomplishments so that our chapter
membership is motivated by our past successes and looks to future achievements.

Vice President: The Chaplain?
Chaplain: Stationed by the Bible.
Vice President: Your duties there?
Chaplain: My duties as Chaplain are to promote Spiritual growth among our members. I offer intercessions to our supreme creator on the behalf of our chapter. I strive to uphold brotherhood and good morals through scriptures in
our meetings, in our classrooms, and in our lives.

Officer Grades

Part: Grade


Supervised Agricultural Experience

Project (S. A.E.)

1. Each student enrolled in the Agriscience is required to have an S.A.E. home project. The project must relate to our program in agriculture. Most students already have something the will qualify for an S.A.E project.

2. Project Requirements:

(1) Report- about 1 page in length about your project.

(2) Report Requirements:

A. Project name

B. How you started

C. Money invested

D. Time invested

E. Future goals

F. Knowledge gained by having the project.

G. Must be done on typing paper!

H. In a folder or cover.

I. Must include pictures.

Your Project(s)__________________________ __________________________

Project Deadline_______________


Don’t Procrastinate!!



Proficiency Areas
Defined- A proficiency area is simply an application on your S.A.E agricultural
project at home.

Assignment: Which fits your situation? Please list!
The following is a list of Proficiency areas: ( for Alabama)
1. Agricultural Mechanics - Entrepreneurship/Placement-_______________________
2. Agricultural Sales and/or Service - Entrepreneurship/Placement_______________
3. Beef Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement____________________________
4.Dairy Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement____________________________
5. Diversified Crop Production - Entreprenership/Placement_____________________
6. Equine Science - Entrepreneurship/Plaement_____________________________
7. Floriculture - Entrepreneurship/Placeent______________________________
8. Forest Management and Products - Entrepreneurship/Placement________________
9. Fruit and/or Vegetable Production -
10. Home and/or Community Development - Entrepreneurship/Placement___________
11. Landscape Management - Entrepreneurship/Placement_______________________
12. Nursery Operations - Entrepreneurship/Placement___________________________
13. Poultry Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement____________________________
14. Sheep Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement____________________________
15. Environmental Science and Natural Resource Mgmt. -
16. Specialty Animal Production -
17. Swine Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement___________________________
18. Turf Grass Management - Entrepreneurship/Placement________________________
19. Wildlife Production andManagement - Entrepreneurship/Placement______________
20. Special Agricultural Proficiency Award Areas -

Proficiency PURPOSE:
The purpose of these awards is to stimulate interest in the instructional program, stimulate interest in agricultural occupations, and reward FFA members for exceptional accomplishments in progressing toward specific occupational objectives in agriculture. In judging these awards major emphasis will be placed on the work done by the applicant.





Proficiency Applications
Assignment- Write on the line beside the area your scope in a given area!
$$$$ Prize Money for Proficiency Areas $$$$$

1.AGRICULTURAL SALES OR SERVICE-_____________________
First Place $125.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner

2. BEEF PRODUCTION-_____________________________
First Place $200.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 125.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 75.00 and chapter banner

3. DAIRY PRODUCTION-_____________________________
First Place $225.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 175.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 125.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 75.00 and chapter banner

4. DIVERSIFIED CROP PRODUCTION-_____________________
First Place $250.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 200.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 150.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place l00.00 and chapter banner

5. EQUINE SCIENCE-________________________________
First Place $200.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 125.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 75.00 and chapter banner

6. FLORICULTURE-___________________________________
First Place $125.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner

First Place $175.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner

8. FRUIT OR VEGETABLE PRODUCTION-________________________
First Place $125.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner

First Place $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 20.00 and chapter banner

10. LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT-____________________________
First Place $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 20.00 and chapter banner

11. NURSERY OPERATIONS-__________________________________
First Place $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 20.00 and chapter banner

12. POULTRY PRODUCTION-_________________________________
First Place $200.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 150.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 125.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 100.00 and chapter banner

13. SHEEP PRODUCTION-___________________________
First Place: $175.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place: 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place: 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place: 50.00 and chapter banner

First Place $200.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 150.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner

15. SPECIALTY ANIMAL PRODUCTION-_________________________
First Place: $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place: 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place: 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place: 20.00 and chapter banner

16. SWINE PRODUCTION-______________________________________
First Place $175.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 100.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 75.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 50.00 and chapter banner


17. TURF GRASS MANAGEMENT-_______________________________
First Place $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter banner
Second Place 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 20.00 and chapter banner

First Place $100.00, certificate, plaque, and chapter?banner
Second Place 50.00 and chapter banner
Third Place 30.00 and chapter banner
Fourth Place 20.00 and chapter banner


Note: First place winners in these 13 areas will receive $100.00 from the National FFA Foundation and a chapter banner .First place winners only may be selected in the following areas:

19. Agricultural Communications - Entrepreneurship/Placement____________________
20. Agricultural Processing - Entrepreneurship/Placement_________________________
21. Aquaculture - Entrepreneurship/Placement__________________________________
22. Diversified Agricultural Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement_______________
23. Diversified Horticulture - Entrepreneurship/Placement_________________________
24. Diversified Livestock Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement__________________
26. Emerging Agricultural Technology - Entrepreneurship/Placement________________
27. Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement__________________
28. Food Science and Technology - Entrepreneurship/Placement______________________
29. Forage Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement_______________________________
30. Grain Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement_______________________________
31. Outdoor Recreation - Entrepreneurship/Placement_____________________________
32. Small Animal Production and Care - Entrepreneurship/Placement________________
33. Specialty Crop Production - Entrepreneurship_________________________________

Assignment: Tell me about your     project(s)____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________


Pg 1 (of 6 pages) State Proficiency Application

Find at click on download center, then at make selection click
on applications, then click on state Degree
Note: You can find the area for your S.A.E. at this site-
Note: This is an activity “Above” the Chapter Level !!
Note: This application is for use at the state level only and is the only
application that will be recognized for state competition. Applicants should not submit the national proficiency award application for state consideration. First place winners will be required to complete a national proficiency award application, which will be submitted for judging at the national level. Award winners will have ample time to complete the national application.

Please type this application. On this page use the tab to go to the next item to be completed. In addition, complete the placement or the entrepreneurship supplement, the supporting documentation section and the additional information

Name of Proficiency Award Area (Refer to Alabama FFA Contests & Awards Booklet for list of award areas.)

Please Designate the Type of Proficiency Application circle (Placement or

Name Age Date of Birth_____________________________________________________

Mailing Address City Zip ____________________________________________________
Gender (M/F) Social Security # Home Phone #____________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian: Father Occupation___________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian: Mother Occupation__________________________________
FFA Chapter Name School____________________________________________________
FFA Advisor(s) School Phone #_____________________________________________
School Mailing Address City State Zip___________________________________________
Year FFA Membership Began: __________
Years of Agricultural Education Completed:____________
Years of Agricultural Education Offered (grades 7-12) in high school last
attended: ___________
Year in school at time of applying for the award: (9, 10, etc.) If you have graduated from high school, year graduated:
State and National Dues Paid: Yes or No
Date Submitting this Application:

Pg 2 of 6
If selected as the 1st place winner from the state of Alabama, I will complete
the full proficiency application required for National FFA consideration. I
understand that if I do not fulfill this obligation, I will forfeit any and all
awards presented at the state level.

Candidate Signature: ___________________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature: ___________________________

We certify the applicant has achieved a satisfactory record of scholastic

Chapter Advisor Signature: ______________________________

I. SAE - At a Glance:

A. Briefly describe your SAE as it relates to this proficiency area.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
B. List two or three goals you planned to achieve at this point in the development of your SAE as it relates to this proficiency area. Describe your level of achievement and progress towards these goals.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Fill it up!!

Pg 3 of 6
II. Supplement:
Please complete the supplement that coincides with your application, either placement (page 3) or entrepreneurship (page 4).

III. Supporting Documentation:
Using page 5 as a guide, please attach two to six supporting photographs, each with a brief caption.
IV. Resume’:
Attach a one or two page resume’ to your application that includes the
following sections:
a. Name/address/phone number/FFA chapter
b. Career Objective
c. Education
d. FFA leadership activities / awards
e. School leadership activities / awards
f. Community leadership activities / awards
g. Professional associations
h. Other accomplishments
i. References

V. Additional Information:
Also attach one page of additional information that supports your application. This information could include, but is not limited to, an employer or advisor statement, magazine article, newspaper clipping, or a list of additional facts about your SAE.

Note: Students may submit applications for multiple proficiency awards,
although a separate application should be submitted for each area entered. Members may also apply for Future Farmer/Agribusinessman of the Year. State FFA Degree candidates can apply to be recognized as the State Star Farmer by submitting a summary video (3-5 minutes) of their SAE program with their State FFA Degree application.
Application due by December 10 for first Semester to: Jacob Davis Alabama FFA Association P.O. Box 302101Montgomery, AL 36130-2101
Note: This is an activity “Above” the Chapter Level !!







Pg 4 of 6
II (A). Placement Supplement

A.) Summary of Placement SAE for the Applicant:

INCOME(income minus expenses)
First Year toDec. 31, Income:___________
Total for year:__________________
Second YearJan. 1, toDec. 31, Income:___________
Total for year:__________
Third YearJan. 1,toDec. 31, Income:
Total for year:
Fourth YearJan. 1,toDec. 31, Income:
Total for year:
Net Income

5 of 6
II (B). Entrepreneurship Supplement

B.) Summary of Entrepreneurship SAE for the Applicant:

LABOR INCOME(income minus expenses)
First Year toDec. 31, Income:_____________
Total for year:___________________
Second YearJan. 1, toDec. 31, Income:
Total for year:
Third YearJan. 1,toDec. 31, Income:
Total for year:
Fourth YearJan. 1,toDec. 31, Income:
Total for year:
Net Income

Pg 6 of 6
III. Supporting Documentation:

These are pictures of your S.A.E Project showing various aspects of the
project. Hint, show as many different activities as possible of your project.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________  Add Photo Here
Note: You will need Several (5+) pictures of Your Project by the time it is

Start Caption Here

Note: This is an activity “Above” the Chapter Level !!
This is the End of this Application
· You will need to have several copies of this sheet for your pictures.
· For assistance go to the web site click on “site index” and then click on the information needed. ( Proficiency Applications & Handbook will help)
END of Proficiency Application !!

National Fair Requirements

Note all students are required to turn in an approved Fair Exhibit to enter into the national fair. The exhibits are due before the end of September, usually sometime the last week.

Date-_____________ I will take the entries to the fair if they are turned in on time!

Name _________________________ Age________

Grade_____ Class Period________

Address___________________________ Ph #_____________

Due Date_______________________

Your Entry /Entries________________________ ____________________________________

Fall Only

Entries                                                      1. Horticulture-_______________________ 2. Garden Container-__________________ 3. Largest Horticultural Item-___________ 4. Crafts-____________________________ 5. Decorated Item-____________________ 6. Floral Item-________________________ 7. Wood Carving-_____________________ 8. Metal Work-_______________________ 9. Cooking contests-__________________ 10. Whittling contest-______________  11. Livestock-(must already have)____________________________________


Last minute exhibits usually flop!

FFA History

Dates and Notable Facts               1. 1917-__________________________ 2. 1928-__________________________ 3. 1930-__________________________ 4. 1931-__________________________ 5. 1950-__________________________ 6. 1988-__________________________ 7. 1994-__________________________ 8. 2000-__________________________

Symbols & Meaning & Station Marbury Officer                                           1. Sentinel-_______________________ 2. Reporter-______________________ 3.Treasure_______________________ 4. Secretary-______________________ 5. Vice President-_________________ 6. President-______________________ 7. Advisor________________________ 8. Chaplin-_______________________ 9. Historian-______________________ 10. Parliamentarian-_______________

Significant People in the FFA           1. E. M. Tiffany-___________________ 2. Henry Grosclose-_______________ 3. Leslie Applegate-_______________ 4. Troy Newton-___________________ 5. Jacob Davis-___________________ 6. Josh Dozier-____________________ 7. Alex Popwell-___________________ 8. Brooke Head-___________________ 9. Caleb Colquitt-_________________ 10. Brittney Rawlinson-____________

Degrees in the FFA

Degrees of Membership in the FFA:

1. Greenhand-_______________________

2. Chapter -__________________________

3. State-_____________________________

4. American-_________________________

5. Honorary-_________________________


Total Membership-___________________

Female Membership-_________________

Top States-__________________________


Issues in the FFA


Careers in Agriculture-________________

FFA National Convention-_____________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

State FFA Convention-________________

District Competition-__________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Significant Places in the FFA

1. Kansas City-_______________________ 2. Louisville KY-______________________ 3. Indianapolis-______________________ 4. Mount Vernon VA-_________________ 5. Montgomery AL-___________________ 6. Birmingham-______________________ 7. Auburn-___________________________ 8. Montevallo-_______________________ 9. Washington D.C.-__________________ 10._____________-____________________ 11._____________-____________________ 12._____________-____________________


FFA Name-_________________________

FFA Motto ______________________________




Primary Aim of the FFA- ____________ _______________________________________




Marbury FFA Activities

Chapter Activities

1. Crime Prevention-__________________

2. Chapter Garden-___________________

3. PALS-____________________________


5. Canned Food Drive-________________

6. Habitat Enhancement-______________

7. Socials-___________________________



10. _____________-___________________

Team Events:

1. Small Engines-____________________

2. Livestock-_________________________

3. Quartet-___________________________

4. String Band-_______________________

5. Parliamentary-_____________________

6. Poultry-___________________________

Individual Events:

1. Prepared Speaking-________________

2. Extemporaneous Speaking-_________

3. District & State                              Officer Try-outs-_____________________

4. Creed-____________________________

5. National Talent-____________________

6. National Band-_____________________

7. Fair Exhibits-______________________

8. Show Livestock-___________________

** What will you do?__________________

Chapter Awards

1. Star Greenhand-__________

2. Blue & Gold-_____________

3. Leadership-______________

4. C.D.E Award-____________

5. Star Member-____________

6. Spirit Award-_____________

7.Honorary Member-_________

8. Outstanding Service-______

State Awards

1. Star FFA Member-________

2. Star Agrbusinessman-_____

3. State Officer-____________

5. M.K. Heath-______________

6. Mandy Stringer-__________

7. State Officer-____________

8. District Officer-__________

9. National Delegate-________

National Awards

1. American Degree-________

2. National Officer-__________

3. C.D.E Awards-___________


Greenhand Application



Your S.A.E-________________

Questions Yes or No

1. Are you a dues paying member?________

2. Can you recite the motto? _________

3. Can you explain the use of the jacket?___

4. Do you know the FFA colors? ____

5. Do you know the Primary Aim of the FFA? ____

6. Do you know the duties and responsibilities?____

7. Are you knowledgeable of FFA History?_____

8. Do you know the Chapter Officers?______

9. Are you knowledgeable of the ceremonies?____


Submitted ______________






Why is Agriculture Important?


1. How has the population grown?


1 AD-_______________________________

1800 AD-____________________________

1930 AD -____________________________

1960 AD-____________________________

1990 AD-____________________________

2000 AD-____________________________

2. Future as it relates to our resources and Environment




Global warming-_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Assignment: What do you see regarding the importance of agriculture to you in your lifetime?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________




Career Search

Introduction-____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

*What do you like?

1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________

*Dealing with people, why is it so important?

1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.________________________

*Differences in careers:

1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________

*What are your abilities?____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________






Livestock Terms

1. Cow-_____________________________ 2. Bull-______________________________ 3. Heifer-____________________________ 4. Steer-_____________________________ 5.Calf-______________________________ 6. Bovine-___________________________ 7. Beef-_____________________________ 8. Boar-_____________________________ 9. Barrow-___________________________ 10. Gilt-_____________________________ 11. Sow-____________________________ 12. Pig-_____________________________ 13. Shoat*-__________________________ 14. Pork-____________________________ 15. Porcine-_________________________ 16. Ram-____________________________ 17. Ewe (U)-_________________________ 18. Wether-__________________________ 19. Lamb-___________________________ 20. Lamb-___________________________ 21. Mutton-__________________________ 22. Ovine-___________________________ 23. Stallion-_________________________ 24. Mare-____________________________ 25. Filly-____________________________ 26. Colt-_____________________________ 27. Gelding-_________________________ 28. Foal-____________________________ 29. Castrate-_________________________ 30. Equine-__________________________ 31. Rooster-_________________________ 32. Hen-_____________________________ 33. Pullet-___________________________ 34. Chick-___________________________ 35. Buck-____________________________ 36. Doe-_____________________________ 37. Wether-__________________________

General Terms

1. Loin-_____________________________ 2. Rib Eye-__________________________ 3. Loin Eye-_________________________ 4. Muscle-___________________________ 5. Protein-___________________________

Dog Breeds Video

Breed gROUP

1._____________-_____________________ 2._____________-_____________________ 3._____________-_____________________ 4._____________-_____________________ 5._____________-_____________________ 6._____________-_____________________ 7._____________-_____________________ 8._____________-_____________________ 9._____________-_____________________ 10.____________-_____________________ 11.____________-_____________________ 12.____________-_____________________ 13.____________-_____________________ 14.____________-_____________________ 15.____________-_____________________ 16.____________-_____________________ 17.____________-_____________________ 18.____________-_____________________ 19.____________-_____________________ 20.____________-_____________________ 21.____________-_____________________ 22.____________-_____________________ 23.____________-_____________________ 24.____________-_____________________ 25.____________-_____________________

Parliamentary Procedure

Defined-____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________



1. Fix time to adjourn-________________ 2. Adjourn-__________________________ 3. Recess-___________________________ 4. Question of Privilege-_______________ 5. Orders of the Day-__________________


6. Appeal the Chair-__________________ 7. Point of Order-_____________________ 8. Parliamentary Inquiry-______________ 9. Suspend the Rules-________________ 10. Withdraw a motion-_______________ 11. Object to consideration of the question-___________________________ 12. Division of the question-___________ 13. Division of assembly-______________


14. Lay on the table-__________________ 15. Previous question-________________ 16. Limit Debate-_____________________ 17. Postpone Indefinitely-_____________ 18. Refer to Committee-_______________ 19. Postpone Definitely-_______________ 20. Amendment-______________________ 21. Main motion-_____________________

Motions that bring motions back to the assembly

22. Take from the table-_______________ 23. Reconsider-______________________ 24. Rescind-_________________________

Stating the motions!


1. Fix time to adjourn-________________ 2. Adjourn-__________________________ 3. Recess-___________________________ 4. Question of Privilege-_______________ 5. Orders of the Day-__________________


6. Appeal the Chair-__________________ 7. Point of Order-____________________ 8. Parliamentary Inquiry-______________ 9. Suspend the Rules-________________ 10. Withdraw a motion-_______________ 11. Object to consideration of the question-___________________________

____________________________________ 12. Division of the question-___________ 13. Division of assembly-______________


14. Lay on the table-__________________ 15. Previous question-________________ 16. Limit Debate-_____________________ 17. Postpone Indefinitely-_____________ 18. Refer to Committee-_______________ 19. Postpone Definitely-_______________ 20. Amendment-______________________ 21. Main motion-_____________________

Motions that bring motions back to the assembly

22. Take from the table-_______________ 23. Reconsider-______________________ 24. Rescind-_________________________



Good Debate includes:

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________


Nicole- I implore the assembly to pass this_____ because like our chapter garden, that we have in the spring, we could draw the attention of the media,(P) for example, our Clanton newspaper, (P) which would strongly support our chapter (P) and we all know our FFA could use the positive attention. So, with this in mind, (P) I hope you will vote in the affirmative.

Caleb- “It would be pointless to refer this motion at this time. In the past, when we’ve referred motions to a committee the committee’s have lagged around and got very little work accomplished. Usually, when committee’s have reported back to us the information from them is often unfinished, inaccurate, and the content is relatively useless to us. It is obvious we need to defeat this refer."


Debate Assignment

Debate # 1 Title________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Debate # 2 Title______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Debate #3 Amend Title_______________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________





Note: You can intermingle the postpone with refer:

Debate #4 Postpone Title________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Debate #4 Refer______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Debate # 5 (Opposite)_________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________











Video Assignment


Your questions: ( You are to watch the video and write test questions for the test when I return)

1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________ 5.__________________________________ 6.__________________________________ 7.__________________________________ 8.__________________________________ 9.__________________________________ 10. _________________________________

Give a summary of the presentation:

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Did anyone give any problems to the substitute?_______

Who?_____________ What kind of trouble?____________________________ ____________________________________

My Ag Story

Name____________________ Date______ Grade_____ Course___________

Write a 1 page paper on the following: (1) Give a description of yourself. (2) Tell the most memorable event that has occurred with you in this class. (3) Where do you see yourself five , ten, twenty years from now? (4) What were your greatest accomplishments in this class. (Use Ink!)

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

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Exploratory Agriscience Workbook (Copy Format)

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