How do I
work better with my friends, classmates, family, and officer team? Everyone wants to be the best that they can be.
Sometimes we forget that other people think, believe, feel, and function completely different than us. Why? Because
everyone has a different personality. Is it the way people are born or something they learn growing up? Believe
it or not, both. Your genetic and psychological background both play major roles in who you are. Understanding
why you are the way you are is the first step to understanding others. I've done countless workshops that start with
you evaluation yourself before you could be taught to understand others. Even Jesus said that in his famous Sermon on
the Mount (Matthew 5-7) (Matt. 7:3-5 specifically). So learn a little about yourself. Take the personality quiz
below. This isn't a fruity made up quiz either. A world renowned psychologist developed it and it takes less time
to take it (about 3 min.) then it does to read everything it will gather about you. There will be several different
results to choose from, but I recommend the: EFSJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss. I can't promise it will solve all your problems with your friends and
family, but it will give you a lot of insight to your own thought process. If you get other people to take it, you'll
be able to understand them much better too.
Click here to take the Jung Typology Test