Do you have comments or questions about our organization? Do you wish to join? Do you
want any information on agricultural education? Then contact some of these supporters.
Webmaster: Caleb Colquitt
Mississippi affiliate: Kacey Colquitt
Advisor: John Colquitt
Staff Member: Tyler Shaw
Staff Member: Levi Colquitt
Or you can give us a call at
Become a Member!
If you're enrolled in Marbury High School in grades 9-12, you can become a member for only $10.
If you are in an agriscience class, dues are $35. This covers the cost of your National, State, and District membership
dues; feildtrip cost; and your FFA workbook. Pay Mr. Colquitt. Please make all checks payable to either Marbury
FFA or Marbury High School.