Marbury FFA Online

Vice President

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Vice President: Katelyn Harris

Personal Biography
 Influence. Sometimes you don't realize how much you have on a person, or how much others have on you. Do you ever wonder, " Why did I do that?" Usually, the answer lies in who you hangout with, your family, or your beliefs; in short, the influences in your life. I have been very blessed in having mostly positive influences in my life. One of them has been my family. They've always encouraged me to do my best, like most families do; and like you would think, my older brother has been very influential. He and Brooke Head are the main reasons I've even gotten involved in this organizatioin and dared to set and pursue goals in the FFA. They, along with others, have encouraged me and shown me all the awesome opportunities available in this organization. Truth be told, I would never have guessed I would be in the FFA; however, this experience had been one of the highlights of my high school career.

     The Vice-President is the "work-house" of the officer team.  While the President appoints most task, the Vice-President makes sure they are carried out.  The Vice-President, represented by the plow, tills the soil making sure the team's knowledge and wisdom doesn't go to waste because of a lack of labor.

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